My trip to SeleniumConf 2023 to present SeleniumBase.
SeleniumConf 2023 was held in Chicago. It was my honor to be the dedicated Python speaker at the conference this year.
For the first time since the pandemic began, SeleniumConf returned as an in-person event. It was exciting to finally meet the people who made Selenium possible.
This was the view from the hotel:
The keynotes and presentations began on Wednesday, March 29. People came from all around the world to participate.

Here’s a quick history of Selenium/WebDriver: It began with the founders: Jason Huggins and Simon Stewart. Jason merged his Selenium project with Simon’s WebDriver project, and then the two projects became one. I was excited to finally meet them in person.

SeleniumConf 2023 wasn’t all about presentations and lectures: There was also a great deal of collaboration going on, with people working together towards a common goal of advancing the Selenium ecosystem.

There were plenty of other major players around too, such as the host of TestGuild podcast: Joe Colantonio.

By the end of the first day of sessions, it was my turn to present. My session was on “Python Selenium: Fundamentals to Frameworks (with SeleniumBase)”:
A full recording of my presentation is available on YouTube:
My presentation lasted 45 minutes. The first 15 minutes consisted of slides, the next 25 minutes consisted of live demos, and the last 5 minutes were for answering questions. Here’s a link to the slides:
Everything was live-streamed around the world for people who wanted to tune in. Here are some photos from that:
During the live demo portion, one of the things I showcased was the SeleniumBase Recorder. The Recorder works wonders for generating tests quickly:
After the presentation, the audience had lots of great questions about SeleniumBase:
At the end of the conference, there was a final Q&A session with several major Selenium committers:
And of course, there was a major photo opportunity as things came to a close:
After that, I explored downtown Chicago with my wife. Eventually we found a nice place for dinner: